Do people even write blogs anymore?!?! 🤣
We've decided we want to get back to it!! Last time we posted here, we had just been to the Eras tour in Houston, and we are still as obsessed as we've ever been with Taylor!!! Being a Swiftie right now, I think, is so much more than just thinking Taylor Swift is amazing. It's a movement of humans coming together in a spirit of love, kindness, confidence, overcoming, and healing that is just SO incredible!!
I'm seeing this same vibe as I'm literally glued to the tv watching the Olympics!! Cheering for Team USA, hearing the stories of these athletes, and watching how they win AND lose. I think I'm most overwhelmed (in a good way) with how they lose, and then, with the stories of the huge comebacks. We have been so conditioned over the past couple of decades to not feel our negative feelings, so to see these athletes' faces after they lose just so full of pain is heart breaking and so SO REAL! And I'm thankful for it. Thankful for the conversations I'm having with my kids about how awful it feels to lose. But then what happens is the absolute best part. They still go high five or hug the other athletes. It's totally an AND situation. They are devastated AND they choose to be kind to the other side. We have so much pain on this side of heaven, and it straight up sucks, but what we do with that pain and how we choose to act during that pain is so powerful!!
So what the heck does this have to with a boutique?!?! Well, nothing, except that we are absolutely not "just" a boutique and EK is an extension of Elise and I'd hearts, so by default, whatever we are going through IS the boutique! 😜 And do you know what's cool, the boutique owners we are close to completely agree and run their boutiques with the same mindset that our boutiques reflect who we are and what we care about. AND WE TOTALLY LOVE THAT!!!!
When you wear EK clothes, we want you to remember how you felt the first time you put on that dress and we all went crazy when you walked out of the dressing room. If you're one of our amazing online besties, we want you to post that selfie so we can do the same thing in a virtual way!! And then you feel that feeling of love and confidence every damn time you put on that dress, or top, or bracelet. No matter what the pain is that you are going through...we want to be with you in your AND situation. That horrible thing you are walking through AND the smile on your face as you get dressed into that EK outfit that makes you feel incredible every single time. It's so hard to do, but the beauty and the pain can co-exist.
We're cheering you (and Team USA!!) on this week and always!! Love you!! 🫶🏻 E + K
I will leave you with a photo of Elise decked out in her USA cheering outfit reminding you that YOU look gorgeous!!

Taylor Swift 🫶🏻 The Eras Tour Recap
Let There Be Light